Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

June 3, 2005 (continuation of May 17, 2005 Meeting)

6:00 PM




Location:         Albatross Motel, Gander




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                               Mr. Charlie McCormack

Ms. Carolyn Andrews                                                  Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Gerald Hounsell

Mr. Terry Brown

Ms. Linda Cutler


The current NAPE Collective Agreement has been in place since April 1, 2004 and will remain in effect until March 31, 2008.  The former school boards did not formally ratify the Collective Agreement.  Therefore, NLSBA has asked the new school boards to allow NLSBA to sign off on the NAPE Collective Agreement on behalf of the school boards.


Motion:           to allow NLSBA to sign, on behalf of the predecessor school boards, District 5 and District 6, the NAPE Collective Agreement for support staff that has been in place since April 1, 2004 and will remain in effect until March 31, 2008.  (T. Brown/Andrews).  Carried.


Current Department of Education policy allows school boards to retain the savings associated with closed schools for a period of three (3) years.  These savings are referred to as “Special Incentives”.  In year one of the District’s restructuring plan, both Indian River Primary and Baie Verte Middle School will be closed.  It is estimated that the three year savings associated with these schools will be approximately $605,913.00.


In order to proceed with renovations to those schools affected by the plan in Year 1  including Grand Falls-Windsor System, the Green Bay System, the Baie Verte System and Dorset Collegiate we need to request permission from the Department to borrow up to an estimated $605,913 associated with the Special Incentive fund.


Motion:           to request permission from the Minister of Education to borrow up to the estimated $605,913 associated with the Special Incentive funding and approval from the Minister to direct this funding into renovations required in year one of the District’s restructuring plan”.  (Hounsell/Cutler).  Carried.


In addition, we also require approval of the Minister to dispose of the Indian River Primary School.


Motion:           to request approval from the Minister of Education to dispose of Indian River Primary School in Springdale by public tender.  (Andrews/T. Brown).  Carried.


5.         Correspondence


1.      Minister of Education, April 20, 2005 re District Restructuring Plan.

2.      Minister of Education May 9, 2005 re opening day for school September 2005.

3.      Auditor General, May 25, 2005 re school fees review

4.      Minister of Education May 5, 2005 re By-Laws and Constitution

5.      Note:  Governance Committee will review the items in the letter.

6.      Letter from Concerned Parents Committee in Bishop’s Falls (Jody Fancy, Chair)


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting.  (Brown)




_________________________                                  ________________________

William Sceviour                                                           Charlie McCormack    

Chair                                                                            Recorder

